SSSS College of Commerce for women organized a seminar on ‘AIDS Awareness’ on October 19, 2019 under the Red Ribbon Club of the College. The resource person Dr. Savita Sharma, Medial officer, HIV Dept., Medical College, Amritsar held a discussion with the girl students regarding the increasing incidence of the disease and the psychological factors leading to the vulnerability of the young women towards this disease. She motivated the students to sensitize others regarding drug abuse and HIV/AIDS. Dr. Navdeep Kaur highly appreciated the discourse delivered by Dr. Savita and emphasize the relevance of the issue for educating the young women for life. Students from B.Sc(Eco), BCA and BBA Semester I attended the session. Ms. Saranpreet Kaur of B.Com (F.S) Sem-I extended the vote of thanks to the resource person. adr. Savita Sharma was also presented with a set of books as a token of gratitude. Mrs. Savita Khanna Co-ordinated the event.